The J&K Bank on Friday suspended an employee for her “derogatory comments” on social media platform on the recent tragic accident in which Chief of Defence Staff Bipin Rawat lost his life.
“Despite repeated circulars issued from time to time against misuse of social media platforms by employees contrary to interests/rules of the Bank, in one such incident one of our employees has made derogatory comments/remarks on the social media platform on the tragic accident,” the J&K Bank order reads.
Sources said the woman staff member, who worked as a Banking Attendant at the bank’s Central Processing Centre, had reacted with an emoji to a news report on Facebook.
The bank order described it as “purely defamatory” and “not in consonance with conduct rules governing the services of an employee and tantamount to misconduct”.
The staff member has been suspended with immediate effect pending disciplinary proceedings.
On Thursday, a shopkeeper was detained in Rajouri for his alleged “objectionable social media post” after the death of Chief of Defence Staff and other security personnel in Tamil Nadu.
Published - December 11, 2021 02:48 am IST