The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved the continuation of the National Ayush Mission as a ‘Centrally-sponsored scheme’ for another five years till 2026. A release issued by the Union government noted that the scheme would continue from April 1, 2021, to March 31, 2026, with a financial implication of ₹4,607.30 crore to be spent during the period.
Giving details, Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting Anurag Thakur on Wednesday at a press conference said the scheme involved the expansion of the Ayush sector to promote the holistic health of Indians.
He said under the scheme, old and traditional medicinal systems would be promoted, and Ayush wellness centres, medical colleges, hospitals and dispensaries set up and upgraded. He said the Cabinet also approved a change of nomenclature and mandate of the North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine (NEIFM) as the North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda and Folk Medicine Research (NEIAFMR).
Published - July 14, 2021 05:16 pm IST