The Bharatiya Janata Party has accused the UPA government of shielding Congress president Sonia Gandhi's son-in-law Robert Vadra in the reported anomalies in land deals in Rajasthan and demanded a court-monitored CBI enquiry.
“These land deals show a new PPP model. It is P-4 which stands for Public Policy for Private Profit ... This is not just a private dealing of a private individual. This is much beyond,” BJP spokesperson Prakash Javadekar told a news conference here.
The BJP MP charged the government with coming out with a plan to establish solar plants in Bikaner district of Rajasthan and giving licences to 722 people with a promise from the State government that land would be provided at cheap rates and then backing out. “But then the State government did a U-turn and said land cannot be provided cheap as it belongs to Robert Vadra ... This has resulted in a windfall for Vadra.”
He alleged that Mr. Vadra and his mother Maureen floated 12 companies which secured loans and bought the properties.
Published - March 13, 2013 03:38 am IST