Vizianagaram MP Kalisetti Appala Naidu on Wednesday said that women having their own sources of income can ensure a better life for children, as well as other family members. Along with S. Kota MLA Kolla Lalita Kumari, he distributed sewing machines to needy women, tricycles and artificial limbs for physically challenged persons in a programme organised at Sri Gurudeva Charitable Trust in Mangalampalem of Kothavalasa mandal in Vizianagaram district.
Speaking on the occasion, he said that the trust’s initiative would ensure self-reliance for needy women and physically challenged persons. Earlier, Mr. Appala Naidu and Ms. Lalita Kumari visited the cancer hospital being constructed in the trust premises. The trust founder Raparthi Jagadish Babu said that the hospital would be ready within six months.