Rail and road network between Andhra Pradesh and Odisha was completely disrupted with heavy rains lashing the Srikakulam district. East Coast Railway has cancelled all the trains with the water flowing above track level in Itchapuram and other areas. Several trains running on the important Howrah-Chennai route got cancelled. Many trains were running late as they did not get clearance from railway authorities leaving many passengers stranded in Srikakulam and Palasa stations.
As many as 600 villages were marooned in Itchapuram, Vajrapukotturu, Kaviti , Sompeta and others with the floods to Bahuda and Mahendra tanaya rivers which flow from Odisha to Andhra region. They are still flowing above danger level. Floods and heavy rains have completely damaged crops in almost all the mandals. Around 2 lakh acres of paddy, sugar cane, banana, vegetable crops were inundated with heavy rains.
Many mandals received more than 300 mm rainfall till 8.30 am on Thursday indicating the grim situation. Around 1,200 houses collapsed in various parts of the district. Srikakulam Collector ordered all the special officers to take up relief measures on war footing. He is monitoring the situation every hour by taking inputs from control room. He said that there was no human or cattle loss due to floods in the district.
Published - October 24, 2013 04:32 pm IST