Adilabad MP Ramesh Rathod on Wednesday said A. Shobha Reddy, daughter of former MLA C. Waman Reddy, will soon join the TDP in presence of party president N. Chandrababu Naidu at Hyderabad. Mr. Rathod said the development would be a shot in the arm for his party in the Adilabad Assembly constituency, from where she will be fielded in the upcoming election.
Introducing Ms. Shobha Reddy at a press conference, the MP said her entry would bring back the TDP’s past glory. He said the late MLA had served the party since 1983, and had won as MLA on a TDP ticket in 1994.
Mr. Rathod said Ms. Shobha Reddy had already met Mr. Naidu, who welcomed her into the party-fold. She would formally join the party in the next few days, he added.
Published - March 27, 2014 12:01 am IST