Tourism Minister Muttamsetti Srinivasa Rao said that a committee headed by the Joint Collector will be constituted to ascertain reasons for the road accident at Damuku area under Ananthagiri police station limits in which four persons were killed and 23 others were injured.
The Minister, along with Health Minister Alla Kali Krishna Srinivas (Nani), visited King George Hospital, where the injured in the accident were being treated, here on Saturday. The Ministers interacted with victims. They expressed grief over the death of four persons.
Speaking to the media, Mr. Srinivasa Rao said that the driver of the vehicle claimed that brake failure was the reason for the accident. He said that nutritious food is being supplied to the injured persons at the hospital from the Tourism Department canteen. The government would send all the persons back to Hyderabad after discharge, he said.
The Health Minister said that special rooms were given for the injured persons at the hospital. He said that three teams of doctors — Neurosurgery, Orthopaedic and Plastic Surgery — were formed for the treatment of the injured. He said that doctors informed him that an injured patient Chandrakala was kept under observation for 48 hours and brain surgery would be performed on her.
Meanwhile, the bodies of the four victims, including two women and a eight-month-old baby girl, were shifted to the mortuary in KGH. Arrangements being made to send the bodies to Hyderabad after autopsy, said KGH Superintendent P. Mythili.
District Collector V. Vinay Chand said that the R.D.O and Tourism Department Regional Director were directed to provide all the facilities to the victims.
Andhra Medical College Principal P.V. Sudhakar, Visakha Institute of Medical Sciences (VIMS) Director K. Satya Varaprasad and others were present.
Published - February 13, 2021 07:30 pm IST