The BJP has demanded that the Union Cabinet pass a resolution on separate Telangana in three days and send it to the President for his assent in the subsequent three days.
With that speed alone, the Congress would erase the popular perception that the decision on Telangana was taken out of political compulsion. Otherwise, people would believe that the survival instinct of Congress and the threat of the BJP returning to power drove Congress to announce the decision, said the BJP spokesman Prakash Jawdekar. Addressing a press conference in Hyderabad on Friday, Mr. Jawdekar said the Congress conceded separate Telangana sensing danger that the party would otherwise be washed out in the whole of the State. The party handled the issue in a clumsy manner without addressing the concerns of people of coastal districts. He said people doubted the plan of the Congress because its leaders set different timeframes for completion of the process in the last three days. First, Mr. Digvijay Singh said it would take four months, then Ghulam Nabi Azad made it five months and Sushil Kumar Shinde six months. Going by past experience when Mr. Azad asserted that one month did not exactly mean 30 days, the Congress plan was circumspect. However, the BJP would not allow the Congress to backtrack. Mr. Jawdekar said that the promise of the BJP to deliver Telangana State within 100 days of coming to power drove Congress to expedite the decision.
Published - August 03, 2013 09:59 am IST