Senior Bharatiya Janata party leader Vakati Narayana Reddy on Monday criticised the alleged attempts made by some anti-social elements to disturb the peaceful ''Hanuman Shobha yatra'' organised in the city on Sunday.
Addressing the media here, he said but for the timely action by the Nellore police, the situation would have gone out of control, as some anti-social elements allegedly used a place of worship belonging to a minority community to foment trouble while the religious procession was taken out in the city.
The BJP, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, was taking all steps to maintain communal harmony and ensure the benefits of development initiatives reached the downtrodden sections of people cutting across religious-lines, he said, adding that none should disturb communal amity. At the same time, he made it clear that attempts to disrupt communal peace would not be tolerated by the people.
Published - April 25, 2022 07:08 pm IST