Anantapur Superintendent of Police (SP) P. Jagadeesh joined the rescue and relief operations in the flood-affected areas of Vijayawada on Wednesday. Following orders of the Director General of Police (DGP) Ch. Dwaraka Tirumala Rao, the SP has been camping in Vijayawada for the last two days.
Mr. Jagadeesh said that the NDRF, SDRF, and Greyhounds teams were collectively working to provide essential food and drinking water to the stranded people, and those trapped in the inundated houses were being shifted to rehabilitation centres.
He said that rescue teams were deployed in Ajit Singh Nagar, Bhagat Singh Nagar, Bombay Nagar, Rajiv Colony, and Prakash Nagar in the Vijayawada corporation limits. Round-the-clock relief measures were underway at Huda Colony, Thotavari Street, PNT Colony, and Bharat Mata Colony. NDRF and SDRF boats were assembled to carry food and drinking water bottles to these inundated areas.
The SP said that more police forces from Anantapur district will be deployed to Vijayawada in order to intensify the relief operations.
Published - September 04, 2024 07:03 pm IST