An accused in a rape case was reportedly thrashed by residents of a village before being handed over to the police on Tuesday. When the accused tried to escape, the police too thrashed him, the video of which went viral.
The 25-year-old youth allegedly raped a 10-year-old girl and attempted to murder by strangulating her on November 24. The incident which came to light on Tuesday, created flutter in the village in Chittoor district.
According to the the police, the accused allegedly raped the girl studying in fifth standard on November 24 reportedly after luring her to a nearby field.
Later, he tried to kill the girl, but she escaped. On Monday evening, she narrated the incident to her parents, who lodged a complaint with the police.
Meanwhile, the accused, on finding no commotion in the village, returned home around midnight.
The girl’s parents and villagers knowing that the youth was home rushed there and thrashed him on Tuesday, and informed the police.
While being handed over the accused to the police, the accused tried to escape twice. The irate police beat him black and blue. A video clip of the police beating the youth went viral on social media. The police have registered a case.
Published - November 27, 2019 08:01 am IST