Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu on Friday assured his Tamil Nadu counterpart, O. Panneerselvam that the magisterial inquiry into the "incident" in Seshachalam forest area will be completed without delay and "further necessary action will be taken accordingly".
In his reply to the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister's letter, Mr. Naidu said "I am in receipt of your letter dated 07-04-2015 in which you have expressed your concerns on the incident which took place in Srivarimettu and Eesagunda areas in Seshachalam forest area in which 20 persons belonging to Tamil Nadu died".
He said that in order to ascertain the facts, apart from conducting post-mortem on the bodies, we have also ordered a magisterial inquiry into the incident. "We have provided all necessary assistance in completing the process of delivery of the bodies to the relatives in time".
"I assure you that the inquiry will be completed without delay and further necessary action will be taken accordingly", the letter concluded.