The Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) general secretary K. Anbazhagan on Saturday said the case pursued by his party against Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa was not an instance of political vengeance. His petition in the Supreme Court seeking to transfer the disproportionate assets case to some other State was based on a resolution passed by the DMK, he said.
The 92-year-old veteran leader who is recuperating from an ailment, said he was happy with the judgment. “We had to take up the case because politics in Tamil Nadu was deteriorating…going by a resolution of the party, I moved the Supreme Court. The situation in Tamil Nadu then was not conducive for a fair trial,” he told The Hindu .
Mr. Anbazhagan, who intervened more than once in the 18-year-old case, was permitted by the apex court to file written arguments to assist the Special Public Prosecutor in the case.
It is a profound political irony that Mr. Anbazhagan, whom Ms Jayalalithaa had openly acknowledged as one of the few decent leaders in the DMK, was instrumental in her conviction.
Published - September 27, 2014 11:53 pm IST