The devastating earthquake in Nepal claimed the life of a family member of an Embassy staffer. On Saturday, MEA Officials confirmed that a house within the precincts of the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu had collapsed, killing the daughter of the staffer Madan, and seriously injuring his wife.
(Death of another Indian was reported at Bir Hospital in Kathmandu, sources said. However, the details were not immediately known, reports PTI.) A 24-hour ‘control room’ has been set up in South Block. The phone numbers are +91 11 2301 2113, +91 11 2301 4104, +91 11 2301 7905.
A house in our Embassy complex collapsed. Unfortunately, the daughter of our employee Madan has died. His wife's condition is serious.
— Sushma Swaraj (@SushmaSwaraj) >April 25, 2015
Published - April 25, 2015 06:26 pm IST