Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi has urged the people to maintain the peace and communal harmony in the context of the September 24 Allahabad High Court judgment in the Babri title dispute. As the case has been pending for very long, it is natural for the people to be inquisitive about the outcome, but “madness does not serve any purpose,” he said in an open appeal.
“Now that the festival season is coming, which also provides good earnings to many workers, do not destroy your enjoyment by crazy behaviour in the wake of the court judgment.”
Pointing out that Gujarat was also facing elections to the six municipal corporations on October 10, and 24 district, 208 taluk panchayats and 53 municipalities on October 21, the Chief Minister said the people should not disrupt the “festival of democracy.”
State Congress president Siddhartha Patel issued a similar appeal for peace, and pointed out that the aggrieved party, instead of taking to the streets, would have the option of approaching the Supreme Court.
Published - September 23, 2010 01:40 am IST