Taking to the streets against the arrest of State Transport and Sports Minister Madan Mitra, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said here on Saturday that if an “image was proof of criminal conspiracy, then Prime Minister Narendra Modi should be arrested” for his role in the Sahara money-laundering scam.
Mr. Mitra was arrested by the CBI on Friday for his alleged role in the multi-crore Saradha scam.
Launching a scathing attack on the Bharatiya Janata Party-led Union government and Mr. Modi for using the CBI as a “political tool” to arrest Mr. Mitra, Ms. Banerjee likened the Saradha scam to the Sahara scam.
“If the CBI is arresting those associated with the Saradha scam, why are players in teams sponsored by Sahara not being arrested? ... The CBI has lost all credibility and has become his master’s voice?” she said. Ms. Banerjee said Mr. Mitra was summoned to depose as a witness and was arrested following a phone call from New Delhi.
Ms. Banerjee lost her temper during her speech
Published - December 13, 2014 06:14 pm IST