The Former Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Nabam Tuki found unexpected support from BJP MP Shatrughan Sinha, who said “heavens would not have fallen” had the Centre waited for the Supreme Court’s ruling before imposing President’s rule on the State.
“I think the statement of Shatrughan Sinha shows he feels the pain of the people of Arunachal Pradesh. The entire nation knows that an injustice has been done to Arunachal Pradesh, and we await justice from the Supreme Court,” Mr. Tuki said
In a series of tweets, Mr. Sinha took a jibe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “great advisers” wondering what answers they would have if the Supreme Court ruled against it. “I have tremendous faith in our dashing, dynamic action hero PM. But wonder who the ‘great’ advisors are who advised President’s Rule in Arunachal Pradesh. That too when the matter is sub judice, in the Supreme Court, under a 5 judge constitutional bench. Wonder what was the hurry and worry,” he said.
“God forbid, if the decision does not go in our favour, wonder what explanation and answer we will have for our respected PM,” he said. The Centre had earlier submitted an affidavit in the Supreme Court justifying President’s Rule, saying there was “complete breakdown” of governance and law and order and a “war-like situation” prevailed in the State.
President Pranab Mukherjee had earlier this week given assent to the Union Cabinet’s decision to impose Central rule in Arunachal Pradesh.
Published - January 31, 2016 01:01 am IST