The Border Security Force (BSF) on Sunday said it had foiled an infiltration bid along the International Border (IB) and pushed back at least five militants in Jammu’s Samba sector.
A BSF spokesman said alert troops of the BSF spotted the infiltrators on the intervening night of September 26 from the Pakistan side.
“The movement of a group of five terrorists was noticed on Pakistan side of the IB in Samba sector by alert BSF troops. The group of heavily armed five terrorists tried to enter the Indian territory but was engaged, where they reached taking advantage of thick vegetation,” he said.
The spokesman said the BSF troops had challenged the infiltrators to stop at which they started firing on the BSF party with Pakistan Ranger posts also giving fire support to them.
“The BSF alert troops fired on the infiltrators in a coordinated manner. However, the infiltrators managed to flee back to Pakistan territory.”
“This is the second attempt of infiltration thorough the Samba sector by the terrorist group after September 14-15,” he said.