With Maggi row raging, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has decided to test samples of instant noodles of other brands as well as other packed products including pasta and macaroni.
The decision was taken after a recent meeting of the FSSAI’s Central Advisory Committee which had representation from States. At least six States including Delhi, Jammu and Kashmir, Gujarat, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu have banned Maggi noodles after tests in these States revealed excess amount of lead and mono-sodium glutamate (MSG) in some samples of the product.
“The Committee met recently to deliberate on these issues and decided to expand FSSAI market surveillance to cover other food products and other brands of instant noodles,” a senior official told The Hindu on Saturday.
The FSSAI has ordered withdrawal of all variants of Nestle-India’s instant noodles from the market and served a show cause notice on the company.