Chief Minister N. Rangasamy on Thursday launched the Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS) for online payment of water bill in Puducherry.
The scheme rolled out with the assistance of Indian Overseas Bank will help consumers residing in the town and suburban areas make online payment of water bill. Consumers could make online payment using IOB internet banking, PWD website, Gpay, and PhonePe, an official release here said.
The BBPS enabled by IOB quickly fetches the consumer bill details, bill payment history for record keeping, transaction status updates in real time, prompt resolution of customer grievances related to bill payment and integrates with various payment systems for a seamless experience, the release said.
Consumers have been complaining about difficulty faced by them in making payments at the counters of the Public Works Department. Mr Rangasamy launched the facility in the presence of Minister for Public Works K. Lakshminarayanan at the Legislative Assembly, the release said.
Published - September 05, 2024 11:50 pm IST