In a significant development in the firing incident at Salman Khan’s residence case that took place on April 14, Mumbai police on Saturday said that an audio recording has been retrieved from the phones of one of the arrested suspects in the case. The audio recording was sent for forensic scrutiny for authentication. The forensic investigation revealed that the audio recording has matched the voice of Anmol Bishnoi, who is the Canada-based brother of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi.
The audio file reveals that Anmol Bishnoi was in constant touch with the shooter, a police official said. Police believe that the shooting was planning and executed by the Lawrence Bishnoi gang who has made several attempts in the past to assassinate the actor.
So far, six men have been arrested in the case; Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal were arrested in Gujarat, while Anuj Thapan and another man were detained in Punjab on April 26. Another arrest was made from Rajasthan whereas, Anuj Thapan died in police custody. Mumbai Police invoked the Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) against all involved in the carrying out the crime.
The Bishnoi brothers along with their associate Goldie Brar had reportedly acquired AK-47s, M-16s, and other high-calibre weapons from a Pakistani arms dealer. A police source said that the gangster’s plan was to either ambush Mr. Khan’s car or attack his farmhouse.
Earlier in the case, Mumbai police had said that the entire planning from sourcing the weapons from Panvel on March 15, 2024, to executing the shooting on April 14 outside Mr. Khan’s residence, Galaxy Apartments in Mumbai’s Bandra, it was all laid out as per the instructions given by Anmol Bishnoi. The shooters were paid ₹3 lakh for the task.