Mumbai Members of the ruling BJP-Shiv Sena combine on Thursday targeted Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in Maharashtra Assembly, accusing him of making derogatory remarks against Hindutva ideologue V.D. Savarkar, and sought the Speaker’s permission to move a resolution against him.
Sena legislator Pratap Sarnaik raised the issue saying Mr. Gandhi has repeatedly “insulted” Savarkar, while his party colleague Sanjay Shirsat sought the permission of the chair to move a resolution against the Congress MP.
“Who has given him the right to insult freedom fighters? We want your permission to move a resolution against Rahul Gandhi,” Mr. Shirsat said.
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Ashish Shelar demanded an apology from Mr. Gandhi.
When Congress’ Balasaheb Thorat demanded that he be allowed to speak, Mr. Shelar asked if Mr. Thorat would apologise.
Treasury benches’ members then walked to the well and shouted, “Rahul Gandhi hai hai. Gali gali mai shor hai, Rahul Gandhi chor hai.” This led to the House being adjourned twice— first for 10 minutes, then for half an hour.
Amid the din, Mr. Thorat demanded that he be allowed to speak, while legislators Varsha Gaikwad and Amit Deshmukh trooped to the well to counter the protesting members.