The Goa Police have arrested four Russian nationals and seized drugs worth ₹7 lakh from them. The police said that the accused, during interrogation, admitted to using explosives to break open ATMs at the Bank of India branch at Madhlawada in Arambol and stealing ₹9,06,100 in cash.
A spokesperson for the Goa Police said that based on specific information , they raided the rented apartment of Ilia Alexandrovich Shtennikov (30) and found him illegally cultivating cannabis plants. Cannabis weighing 608 gm worth ₹65,000 was seized from him and a case was registered against him at Pernem police station in North Goa under Section 20(a)(i) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985.
During interrogation, Mr. Shtennikov told the police that foreigners staying in a house at Danoswada in Mandrem also dealt in narcotics. When the police identified the house and conducted a search, they found three Russians — Radik Vafin (35), Evgeni Zakharin (38) and Igor Markov — and recovered drugs from their possession.
The police said 14 gm of ecstasy tablets, 4.64 gm of MDMA and 1.037 kg of ganja worth ₹2,09,000 were seized from Mr. Vafin; 13 grams of ecstasy tablets, 1.24 gm of cocaine and 1.206 kg of ganja worth ₹2,38,000 were seized from Mr. Zakharin; and 12 gm of ecstasy tablets and 1.245 kg of ganja worth ₹2,32,000 were seized from Mr. Markov. All three accused were arrested.
Vehicles recovered
The police said Mr. Vafin allegedly disclosed during interrogation that he and the other accused committed a number of thefts by using gas cutters and explosive substances to break open ATMs. He also led the police to Mandrem, where they recovered a car and a two-wheeler used by the accused to commit the ATM thefts. The police said further investigation is under way.
Published - February 24, 2019 12:16 am IST