Questioning the granting of parole for 10 days to Swami Aseemanand, a key accused in the Ajmer Sharif, Malegaon and the Samjhauta Express blast case to spend time with his family in Bengal, activists asked why Chhatradhar Mahato — an activist with alleged Maoist links — was granted only a day’s parole to perform the last rites of his father.
Sujato Bhadro, human rights activist, said that housing the godman in an expensive hotel on parole exposed the Centre’s attitude towards ‘Hindu terror.’
“There is a tendency to be lenient with regard to those who are involved in ‘Hindu terror,’ whereas in case of Chhatradhar Mahato the court refused to show any leniency,” Mr. Bhadro said.
The godman who was released on parole for 10 days to meet his ailing mother (85) was reportedly brought to the Kotulpur block in Bankura district last week by the officials of the National Investigation Agency (NIA). Ever since he moved into the hotel, it had been turned into a fortress with heavy security deployment.