West Bengal Police has arrested 129 persons in connection with violence at Telinipara in West Bengal’s Hooghly district. Violence between two communities had erupted in the area on Sunday allegedly over a dispute over using a public toilet during lockdown.
The West Bengal Home Department on Thursday said that strong action has been taken against the miscreants. The Department took to social media assuring the people that senior officials along with large number of forces are patrolling the area round the clock.
“Administration is committed to ensure peace. Some persons are trying to spread communal virus to further their political interests. Strong legal action is being taken against all these persons,” the official twitter handle of West Bengal Home Department said.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee had blamed the “IT-Cell’ of the Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP) for provoking communal passions during the lockdown. The State BJP blamed the administration for failing to control the situation.
Published - May 14, 2020 02:56 pm IST