The Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC) has announced a hike of 4.83% for domestic and all other consumers. The hike was effected in the State as per the consumer price inflation (CPI), the organisation said. The new tariff order will take effect from July 1 this year and would be applicable for both energy and fixed charges.
In the tariff determination order, the TNERC clarified that it had hiked the electricity charges based on CPI.
As per the tariff order, the slabs for domestic consumers have been increased in the range of 20 paise to 55 paise per unit. While the unit cost under the minimum slab of 400 units bi-monthly, is being increased from ₹4.60 per unit to ₹4.80 per unit; the hike in the slab of 401-500 units is from ₹6.15 to ₹6.45; 501-600 units, the cost is being hiked from ₹8.15 to ₹8.55; 601-800 units, it is increased from ₹9.20 to ₹9.65; in the slab of 801-1000 units, the hike is from ₹10.20 to ₹10.70 and the highest slab of above 1,000 units, the tariff is being fixed at ₹11.80 against the old rate of ₹11.25.
In the instance of a consumer using 500 units, the new bimonthly charges would be ₹2,565 against the old rate of ₹2,455.
For common facilities in multi-storey apartments, including low tension (LT) of tariff category 1E (apartments with more than three floors without lift), the rate has been increased to ₹8.55 from ₹8.15 per unit and the fixed charges have been revised to ₹107 per kilo watt per month against the old rate of ₹102.
The tariff for other LT category of public lighting, water supply and sewage has been increased from ₹8.15 to ₹8.55 and the fixed charges have been revised from ₹102 to ₹107. The tariff has also been increased for places of worship, cottage and micro industries, private educational institutions and hostels, and industries and information technology services.
In the high tension categories also, the energy charges along with demand charges, have been increased.