Recipient of Param Vir Chakra Subedar Major Sanjay Kumar was conferred the Radiant National Icon 2024 here on Saturday. The award was jointly given to him by Congress MP Shashi Tharoor, David Devasahayam, Chairman of Radiant Wellness Conclave Renuka David, founder of the Radiant Wellness Conclave and former Chief of the Indian Army Ved Prakash Malik.
The conclave was organised by the Radiant Foundation to commemorate the 25th anniversary of India’s win in the Kargil War. After receiving the award, Major Sanjay Kumar said he was glad that he could contribute to the country, and spoke about the numerous difficulties they faced during the operation. “While fighting the enemy was the main challenge, doing so amidst harsh weather conditions made it even more tough,” he said.
A tribute was paid during the conclave to those who were wounded and to those who sacrificed their lives in the war highlighting their remarkable contribution to the country.
There were also other awards given during the occasion for various categories, including environment, education, health and technology. A round table discussion led by Mr. Tharoor on the ‘Fallout of Kargil and strategic challenges on the northern borders’ was held at the event.
Mr. Devasahayam and Ms. David also spoke at the event.