The Chennai Corporation inaugurated the Kannagi Nagar Art District on Monday, showcasing work of renowned artists from various countries.
Launching the Kannagi Nagar Art District on Monday, Municipal Administration Minister S.P.Velumani said Chennai is the first city in Tamil Nadu to get an Art District. "The Kannagi Nagar Art District is the fifth project in the country. It will promote art and culture for social transformation and civic improvement. The facade of 15 high-rise buildings have been transformed by the artwork. More buildings will be covered in the project," said Mr.Velumani.
Chennai Corporation has supported artists who participated in the initiative with assistance of Chennai Smart City Limited and St+art India.
"The project intends to give a makeover to the neighbourhood. This will improve the self-esteem of the residents who have been resettled in the area from various parts of the city. Crime in the area is also expected to reduce by promotion of art. The students visiting the art district will be able to understand the importance of art in society," said Mr.Velumani.
"The government will launch more projects to improve livelihood of the residents," he said.
The Kannagi Nagar Art District has been developed based on the model implemented in Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Kolkata and Goa. Art festivals have been conducted in such districts since 2014. Similar art festivals are expected to be organised by the Chennai Corporation in Kannagi Nagar Art District.
Chennai Corporation Commissioner G.Prakash, Police Commissioner A.K.Viswanathan and Corporation Deputy Commissioner (Health) Alby John Varghese have been instrumental in launching the project. It is expected to create awareness on various aspects related to civic improvement and social welfare among residents.
Published - March 10, 2020 01:41 am IST