On Monday, amidst tight security, Daswant, the prime accused in the rape and murder of a seven-year-old girl in Mugalivakkam earlier this year and a suspect in the murder of his mother, was produced before the mahila court in Chengalpattu for trial. He gave a petition to the sessions court judge, seeking punishment instead of a trial.
However, mahila court judge P. Velmurugan, warned him. An advocate from the Legal Aid Services has been assigned to present his case during trial, said the judge, following which the accused withdrew his petition.
Later, the examination of witnesses was conducted. The deposition of the deceased girl’s parents and a neighbour was recorded by the court. The court posted the case for further hearing to Wednesday.
Daswant was produced before a judicial magistrate court in the case booked against him for allegedly threatening the parents of the deceased girl on the court premises.
Daswant threatened them on November 20, but a case was registered only on December 4. The accused was produced before the court nearly after a month.
Meanwhile, Daswant’s father Sekar said he regretted taking his son out on bail.
According to police sources, Daswant used to steal mobile phones and bikes from a young age. Such instances were not brought to the notice of law-enforcing authorities.
Published - December 19, 2017 01:03 am IST