Ever since news came out that Vijay’s next release was titled Thalaivaa , there has been tremendous buzz about this film. Even before Thalaivaa ’s audio was officially released, the foot-tapping number ‘Vanganna Vanakanganna’, sung by actor Vijay himself found its way on to social networks and became an instant hit on the Internet. The film’s audio, however, was released without much fanfare recently.
The evening, keeping in line with the film’s theme, began with a laser show of images of various leaders. The function saw the film’s cast and crew, including Vijay’s co-star, Amala Paul sharing their experiences about working in Thalaivaa . Actor Satyaraj too was present.
There were a number of performances through the evening. The pick of the lot was the unplugged version of the melodious duet ‘Yaar Indha Saalai Oram’ performed delightfully by the film’s music composer G.V. Prakash Kumar and Saindhavi. The rendering of the number ‘Thalaivaa’ by Santhosh and Pooja had Vijay fans whistling. Actor Vijay said, “I thank everyone who worked tirelessly for the film.” The fans who had expected the actor to sing a few lines from ‘Vanganna Vanakanganna’ were disappointed as the actor politely refused.
The film’s producer Chandraprakash Jain announced that the film is ready and likely to be released in July.
Published - June 24, 2013 06:05 pm IST