The Music Academy on Tuesday conferred the title of Sangita Kalanidhi upon renowned Carnatic vocalist Aruna Sairam at its Sadas , concluding its 92nd annual conference and concerts. Presenting the award, Governor Banwarilal Purohit said Ms. Sairam, who has had an illustrious career spanning decades could be credited with taking the art to a wider audience both in India and abroad. She was also known for her collaborative exercises in music with artistes of other countries, he said.
Mr. Purohit also spoke of how the people of Chennai had nurtured Carnatic music, classical dance and their traditions for several centuries. “This city now is ample testimony to the mix of tradition and modernity. It is a city where Sabhas, software and puttus and popcorn co-exist, to hold aloft music and culture. May this tradition continue,” he said.
Other awards
The Governor also gave away other awards, including Sangita Kala Acharya awards to mridangam vidwan Thanjavur R. Ramadas and Carnatic vocalist and guru K. Omana Kutty. The T.T. Krishnamachari awards were presented to veena vidhushi Kalyani Ganesan and veteran nagaswaram vidwan Sembannarkoil S.R.G. Rajanna. Premeela Gurumurthy, Vice-Chancellor of the Tamil Nadu Music and Fine Arts University, received the Musicologist Award.
N. Murali, president, the Music Academy, acknowledged contributions of all who had worked to make the 18-day-long 92nd conference and concerts wholesome and complete, including the rasikas, members, sponsors, musicians, musicologists, artists and the caterers.
Danceuse and guru Leela Samson said Ms. Sairam was one of 12 women artists who had been conferred the title of Sangita Kalanidhi by the Music Academy. Recalling that her guru Rukmani Devi Arundale had asked her to sing when she danced, Ms. Samson said perhaps vocalists too could dance when they sang. Musicologist Ritha Rajan, who offered felicitations to the other awardees, recalled how Mr. Ramadas would appreciate other artistes after concerts.
Published - January 02, 2019 01:20 am IST