After a surprise check, the police booked actor Shaam and 12 others on charges of gambling in an apartment complex in Nungambakkam, on Monday night. They were booked under the Gaming Act, and then let off on bail.
According to the police, they received information about some persons gambling on the first floor of an apartment complex for the past several months. A team lead by Nungambakkam Assistant Commissioner, Muthuvelpandi, raided the flat and found actor Shaam and 12 others. They were all picked up and taken to the Nungambakkam police station and let off on bail.
“A few other actors also frequent this apartment complex to gamble. But on Monday they were not there,” said a police source.
A senior police officer said that surprise checks will be conducted in lodges and hotels in the city to nab people involved in gambling. “Many hotels are now being used to quarantine COVID-19 patients. However there have been reports that some rooms are being used for gambling. Once we get credible information, we will raid them,” said a police officer.
Published - July 28, 2020 12:44 pm IST