The Thirumullaivoyal police on Thursday (September 5, 2024) arrested two persons for allegedly smuggling gutka, a banned tobacco product, from a neighbouring state for the purpose of sale in Chennai. About 100 kg of contraband was recovered from them.
Following a tip-off about the alleged smuggling, the inspector of the Thirumullaivoyal police station and his team conducted vehicle checks in the area. At 5.30 a.m., the team intercepted a car with a Gujarat registration plate. On conducting a search, they found 100 kg of gutka concealed in the car.
The police arrested two persons – Deepa Ram, 23, and Manohar Lal, 34, who are natives of Rajasthan – for allegedly transporting the contraband for sale in the city. Further investigation is underway.
Published - September 05, 2024 02:07 pm IST