Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with several film actors, sports personalities, and social media influencers from Karnataka on the eve of the Aero India 2023 show in Bengaluru on February 12.
Actors, sports personalities and social media influencers began posting photos of the interaction on social media on February 13.
The eminent personalities who called on the Prime Minister included former India cricket captain Anil Kumble, actors Yash and Rishab Shetty, social media influencer ‘Aiyyo’ Shraddha, Vijay Kirgandur of Hombale Films that produced Kantara, and Ashwini Puneeth Rajkumar, wife of actor (late) Puneeth Rajkumar.
The Prime Minister arrived in Bengaluru on February 12 to inaugurate the Aero India 2023 show that began on February 13.