A high-tech government school, newly built by NTT DATA Inc. in collaboration with The Akshaya Patra Foundation at Lakshmipura in Bengaluru, was inaugurated by former cricketer Vijay Bharadwaj and S. Muniraju, Member of Legislative Assembly, on July 22.
The school has been built under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) fund by NTT DATA Inc., which is a global digital business and Information Technology services leader.
This school, with total built-up area of 902 square metres, has an innovative design. It features a circular structure that maximises energy efficiency and sustainability, including a rainwater harvesting system. Students have access to a computer lab and a well-stocked library, equipped with modern educational technologies.
A kitchen garden on the premises allows students to participate in growing organic produce, encouraging healthy eating and sustainable living practices. The school is equipped with CCTV cameras, modern toilet facilities, and extensive outdoor sports areas, ensuring a safe and conducive learning environment.
Dilip Kumar, Chief Digital Officer of NTT DATA Inc., said, “Education is the key that unlocks doors of opportunity. This landmark NTT DATA school project, with Akshaya Patra Foundation, represents hope, possibility and the chance for every child to rise above their circumstances and realise their dreams. With this school initiative, we renew our commitment to nurturing and empowering potential within the youth in our communities.”