The Karnataka High Court on Thursday asked the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) as well as the garbage contractors to suggest ways and means for making the norms of garbage collection and transportation tender more effective.
A Division Bench comprising Justice N. Kumar and Justice B.V. Nagarathna orally asked both the parties for suggestions while hearing petitions filed by previous garbage contractors challenging the validity of tender documents issued by the BBMP in September 18, 2012, based on which it had invited bids and awarded new contracts.
During the hearing, the Bench wanted to know from the BBMP whether it has any proof of any link between councillors and contractors while making it clear that it would cancel such contracts.
It also asked the BBMP why it has not cancelled the new contracts after the contractors failed to mobilise men and material for collection and transportation of garbage.
Validity questioned
The petitioner contractors have questioned the validity of tenders on various reasons, including that they did not provide sufficient time as per norms for submitting bids.
The Bench will continue hearing on January 4.
Published - January 04, 2013 09:19 am IST