Vijayalakshmi, wife of Kannada actor Darshan accused in the murder of Renukaswamy, on Wednesday visited the Annapoorneshwari Nagar police station, where all the accused in the case are being lodged, and met her husband for the first time since his arrest. She also made a statement on social media for the first time on the day.
Ms. Vijayalakshmi took to Instagram and posted an interim injunction order issued by the X Additional City Civil and Session Judge Bengaluru. It restrains the media from “printing, publishing, telecasting the news or any other information touching the personal and family life of the plaintiff [Ms. Vijayalakshmi] and her husband Darshan Srinivas..”. It also restrains media from publishing any unverified information regarding the investigation into the case.
Also read | Murder case probe: Darshan, a Challenging Star or Controversial Star?
“At the outset, I express my heartfelt condolences to the family of the deceased Sri. Renukaswamy. Alongside, the last few days have been full of anguish for Darshan, myself, my teenage son & all of Darshan’s friends, family and fans....I have full faith in Ma Chamundeshwari & in our legal system. Let Justice Prevail. (sic),” she posted on Instagram.
Meanwhile, Ms. Vijayalakshmi recorded her statement in the case on Wednesday. She was summoned by the police as they had recovered the shoes the actor was allegedly wearing during the crime from her flat. After the actor’s arrest, when the police went to his house for a mahazar, they found the clothes he was wearing but not his shoes. His costume manager had shifted them to his wife Vijaylakshmi’s house, from where it was recovered.
The police have collected DNA samples of the nine accused, including Darshan, Pavithra Gowda, and others who were present at the shed, the scene of crime, to match with samples collected from there.
Meanwhile, the custody of Darshan and other accused will end on Thursday, and they will be produced before the court. The police are unlikely to seek extension of their custody, sources said.
“No pressure in Darshan case”: CM
Amidst reports in a section of media that a few MLAs and Ministers were putting pressure on the Chief Minister to change Special Public Prosecutor Prasanna Kumar in the Renukaswamy murder case, which was picked up by the BJP, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah denied these reports as “false and baseless”.
“No MLA or Minister has put any pressure on me in Darshan’s case, not just on the choice of the Special Public Prosecutor. Even if they try, I am not someone who will heed to any such pressure. The police have been given a complete free hand and they are investigating the case as they deem right. Suitable action will be taken as per law,” he said.