The Bharati Nagar police are on the lookout for an armed gang that threatened and robbed a cashier at a petrol pump on Wheeler Road on Saturday morning. The presence of other customers waiting to fill their tanks or that the bunker was located just a few yards away from the police station did not deter the seven-member gang.
The victim, S. Pramod, 22, was managing the station while two of his colleagues were in the cabin on the premises when the incident took place. “Around 4 a.m., the accused drove into the bunker oin three motorcycles. One of the bikers asked for petrol to be filled and paid ₹250. While Pramod was returning the change, the pillion rider tried to snatch the cash,” said the police.
When Pramod objected, the pillion rider smiled at him, saying he was joking. But instead of driving away, two gang members held the manager down, while the pillion rider pulled out a machete and took away the cash. The assailants threatened to kill Pramod if he resisted or shouted to his colleagues for help.
“The attack took place while there were two other customers in the bunk, but they were too scared to react. The gang took ₹43,432 from Pramod and sped away on their bikes,” the police officer added.
By the time his colleagues Sharath Babu and Chandrashekhar came to investigate, the gang had escaped. The entire incident was captured on CCTV cameras installed at the station.
The Bharati Nagar police have taken up a case of robbery and efforts are on to track down the accused.
Published - July 04, 2021 11:29 pm IST