Samaikhyandhra leaders picketed the residences of Minister D. Purandeswari and Anakapalle MP Sabbam Hari and staged protests at various places in the city on Monday against bifurcation of the State.
Scores of students gathered outside Purandeswari’s residence and staged a demonstration with placards seeking that the State should remain united. Samaikhyandhra JAC leader Adari Kishore and some other were arrested by the Three Town Police.
A protest was also staged outside the residence of MP Sabbam Hari demanding that the state should remain united. Mr. Hari said that he wanted the State to remain united. The plan to divide the State wrong and would be a setback to development, he added.
Samaikhyandhra JAC leader J.T. Rama Rao submitted a memorandum to Police Commissioner B. Shivadhar Reddy seeking that the paramilitary forces deployed in the city should be sent back. He said that people of Visakhapatnam were peace loving and would not resort to violence unlike their counterparts in Telangana.
He recalled that Samaikhyandhra leaders, activists and the public were only resorting to Gandhian means to express their resentment against the attempts to divide the State but had never indulged in violence.
At a separate programme, students burnt effigies of Ministers and people’s representatives at the Andhra University main gate to express their resentment at the attempts to bifurcate the State.
Published - July 30, 2013 10:01 am IST