The Tamil Nadu National Law University (TNNLU) will be hosting the second All India Legal History Congress on May 21 and 22.
‘Pursuit of Legal History of India in the 21 st century’ is the theme of the event funded by the State Government. Chief Justice of High Court of Madras, and Chancellor of TNNLU Justice Sanjib Banerjee will inaugurate the event at 9.30 a.m. and release an edited book containing the select papers presented in the First All India Legal History Congress, hosted by the Gujarat National Law University.
Anthony Musson, Professor and Head of Research at the Royal Palaces, U.K, will deliver the keynote address. The Vice Chancellor of TNNLU and the Patron of this Congress, V.S. Elizabeth, will preside over.
The two-day History Congress will encompass nine Technical Sections. In each section the lead papers will be presented by reputed scholars from India and abroad. Each session will be chaired by eminent historians who are specialists in their particular field.
Around 60 papers are scheduled to be presented by various faculty, research scholars and students.
Eminent scholars in the field of Legal History - Radhika Singhal and Bhavani Raman will address the valedictory session.
Cash prizes will be awarded for best papers in two categories: faculty/researcher and students, the release said.
Published - May 19, 2021 08:55 pm IST