CB-CID personnel on Thursday searched the house of Kavin, an Information Technology wing functionary of the AIADMK, in Karur reportedly in connection with the land grab case registered against former AIADMK Minister M.R. Vijayabhaskar. They began the search at Mr. Kavin’s residence at Amman Nagar in Andankovil around 6.30 a.m. Mr. Kavin was not in the house when the CB-CID team carried out the search. In his absence, the personnel conducted inquiries with his father.
The search, which lasted for over an hour, comes on the heels of similar searches carried out by the CB-CID personnel at the house of Mr. Vijayabhaskar in Karur, and the properties owned by his brother Sekar and relatives. Mr. Vijayabhaskar, also the district secretary of the AIADMK, has not appeared in public functions for over a month now.