Hand hygiene having been hailed as the most effective way to break the transmission of the virus causing COVID 19, the Health Department has launched a campaign to encourage public to adopt the habit of frequently washing hands or disinfecting them using a hand sanitiser.
Inaugurating the campaign, ‘Break the Chain,’ Health Minister, K. K. Shylaja said that public behaviour was largely responsible for the speedy transmission of COVID-19 and that adoption of hand hygiene and practising social distancing can to a large extent be protective against the virus.
Handwashing should be complemented by maintaining proper respiratory hygiene, avoiding touching on face unnecessarily and by doing away with social greetings like hand shakes.
To encourage the campaign, all institutions and workplaces should make available hand sanitisers at entry points to the office, which should be used by employees before and after entering workplace
Apartment complexes should establish kiosks at the entrance and encourage people to sanitise their hands before entering or exiting the place.Ms. Shylaja said that the youth organisations should carry forward the campaign and use social media to promote #break the chain.
She appealed to all celebrities to promote the cause.
Published - March 16, 2020 12:51 am IST