The Udupi CEN police have arrested a 30-year-old resident of Ganjam district of Odisha for his alleged involvement in an online investment cheating case. The police gave the name of the accused as Vishal Konapal.
In a complaint, 64-year-old Jaya Shetty from Belman in Karkala taluk of Udupi district said her son Prashant Shetty, who worked abroad, has two accounts in Union Bank of India’s Belman branch. These two accounts were linked to Paytm online payment system. Between this February 10 and 20, an amount totalling ₹1,56,100 was removed by strangers from Mr. Shetty’s two accounts without his knowledge.
The investigation revealed that the victim had transferred funds as he was assured of good returns from an online trading platform. Having failed to get any returns, the victim filed the complaint through his mother.
A team headed by CEN police inspector Ramachandra Nayak and comprising assistant police sub-inspector Umesh Jogi and constable Nilesh went to Odisha and secured Konpal. The police recovered ₹ 1.56 lakh from the arrested person, the police said in a press release.
Published - September 04, 2024 09:01 pm IST