The Mangaluru City Police on Wednesday started using Ideaforge Drone Q6, a state-of-art drone, which will enhance the capacity of police in law and order, and traffic management.
In a press note, Police Commissioner Anupam Agrawal said the city police have successfully integrated the new drone system. This was procured through Mangalore Smart City Limited.
Mr. Agrawal said the new drone system will be useful for the city police, more so during protests and city-wide celebrations. Seven city police officers have been trained and certified as drone pilots. This will ensure effective deployment of drones for various operations. This new system will significantly boost efforts of city police to ensure safety and security of citizens.
The drone was handed over on Tuesday in the presence of representatives of original equipment manufacturer, after following requisite regulations and procedures, Mr. Agrawal stated.
Published - September 04, 2024 08:01 pm IST