With the India Meteorological Department and the Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre issuing a red alert for Dakshina Kannada on Wednesday, Deputy Commissioner M.P. Mullai Muhilan has declared a holiday for anganwadis, schools, and pre university colleges in the district on Wednesday.
Fishermen have been asked not to sail out into the sea.
With moderate to heavy rains lashing the city, water entered three houses in Jeppinamogaru area on Tuesday. Kallapu area was also flooded and a road was submerged. Water from the Netravathi entered some low-lying areas at Panemangaluru near Bantwal.
Reports said that water from the overflowing Kempu Hole entered a road near Kadaba.
According to the Dakshina Kannada Disaster Management Authority, the district received 114.4 mm rainfall in 24 hours ending at 8.30 a.m. on Tuesday, against the normal of 37 mm for the same period.
Water level in the Netravathi breached the danger level of 8.5 m at Batnwal and touched 9.6 m. The water level on the same river at Uppinangady touched 31.01 m against the danger level of 31.5 m.
Mescom’s 113 electricity poles and 5.65 km power supply lines were damaged in 24 hours.
Minister holds video conference
Minister in charge of Dakshina Kannada Dinesh Gundu Rao held a videoconference with the Deputy Commissioner and other senior officials and reviewed the situation. He asked the administration to shift people living in low-lying areas on the banks of the Netravathi and from other flood-prone areas to safer places on priority.
The Minister asked the administration to clear the landslip debris from roads at the earliest. The fallen trees should also be cleared immediately, he said.
Mr. Muhilan told the Minister that the administration has released ₹25,000 each to flood-prone gram panchayats and ₹15,000 each to other gram panchayats for emergency relief measures.
Oil companies will be directed to deploy their teams on the Shiradi Ghat stretch to attend to emergency situations, he said.
Meanwhile, the Kodagu district administration has asked people not to visit the district on July 31 and August 1 in view of heavy rains in the district.
A release from the Kodagu Deputy Commissioner said that road connectivity in several locations has been affected owing to rains. A red alert has been issued for the district on Wednesday and Thursday.
Published - July 30, 2024 09:28 pm IST