Madurai City Police have planned diversion of vehicular traffic on Thursday to decongest traffic at Simmakkal where a large number of people would gather to garland the statue of freedom fighter V.O. Chidambaram.
A statement said that vehicles proceeding from Goripalayam would be diverted towards Nelpettai at Anna statue junction. Vehicles coming from Yanaikal Kalpalam would have to go through East Masi Street and South Masi Street. Vehicles coming from Arasaradi should go through Travellers’ Bungalow Road and Periyar Statue junction.
Vehicles coming from Arapalayam Cross Road and Mela Ponnagaram would be diverted at MGR Statue junction and towards New Jail Road, Arasaradi junction, Travellers Bungalow Road and Periyar bus stand.
Published - September 04, 2024 09:42 pm IST