Tamil Nadu Minister for Public Works Department and Highways E.V. Velu inspected the ongoing construction of the 77-metre-long covered glass bridge that would connect the Thiruvalluvar Statue with the Vivekananda Rock Memorial in Kanniyakumari on Wednesday (September 4, 2024).
Mr. Velu said work on the covered glass bridge would be completed by December for attracting more tourists to Kanniyakumari. The glass bridge being constructed at the cost of ₹37 crore would save a lot of time for the visitors as they can reach Thiruvalluvar statue in no time without having to wait for the ferry, from Vivekananda Rock Memorial. The bridge would be 10-metre-wide.
Construction of concrete pillars at Vivekananda Rock Memorial and Thiruvalluvar Statue rocks had been completed even as the ‘network arch’ was fitted in its position. The prefabricated steel structures had been brought to the site, he said.
Mr. Velu also said three ferries could take and drop the tourists simultaneously after the completion of the third jetty being built at a cost of ₹33.80 crore.
Minister for Dairy Development T. Mano Thangaraj, District Collector R. Alagumeena, Corporation Mayor R. Magesh, MLAs J. G. Prince, Rajesh Kumar and Tharahai Cathburt and others were present.
Earlier, Mr. Velu inspected the Marthandam Bridge, where the highways department’s eleventh hour work to plug potholes drew Ms. Tharahai’s anger on Tuesday. As the Minister was to visit the spot, the repairing work was conducted at lightning pace.
“We had been requesting the officials for the past two months to repair the damaged portions of this busy road. But no step was taken. Since the Minister is coming, you are plugging these dangerous pits in the last minute. This eleventh hour work should be stopped right now. It can be taken-up only after the Minister visits this spot,” Ms. Tharahai told the workers, who left the spot.
In Thoothukudi, Mr. Velu visited the VVD Junction, where a flyover is to be built to ease traffic congestion. “The shifting of electric poles and drinking water pipelines delayed this work. Litigations pertaining to land acquisition have further delayed the work. The case relating to this work comes-up for hearing on September 17 and we hope to get favourable judgment. Once we get the judgment in our favour, construction of VVD flyover and the service road beneath the Third Gate flyover will commence,” Mr. Velu said.
He also informed that the works on repairing the roads damaged in the mid-December floods last year would be completed before December-end.
Minister for Social Welfare P. Geetha Jeevan, District Collector K. Elambahavath and Corporation Commissioner L. Madhubalan were present.
Published - September 04, 2024 07:41 pm IST