The Principal Sessions Court in Madurai has dismissed the anticipatory bail petition filed by M. Kalyanasundaram who has been accused of posting on a social media platform a picture of Mahatma Gandhi holding a machete in his hand with a threatening remark.
Principal Sessions Judge S. Sivakadatcham observed that on perusal of the First Information Report it appeared that the petitioner had posted a message on Facebook insulting Mahatma Gandhi. The offence said to have been committed by the petitioner was against non-violence. It could not be taken lightly, the Judge said.
The prosecution stated that the investigation was at an early stage and the petitioner had not appeared for the inquiry. Custodial interrogation of the petitioner was very much essential, it observed.
Considering all the aspects, the serious nature of the offence, stage of investigation, strong objections placed by the prosecution and the facts and the circumstances of the case, the court said it was not inclined to grant anticipatory bail to the petitioner, and dismissed his petition.
The meme was said to have been posted on May 29. The petitioner said he did not create the content and posted what had already been posted by someone. The State strongly objected to the anticipatory bail petition.
Madurai City Cyber Crime Police registered the case against Kalyanasundaram under various Sections of the Indian Penal Code after a complaint was lodged by A. Velmurugan of Bharatiya Praja Aikyata Party.
Published - September 05, 2024 08:14 pm IST