The Tamil Nadu Assembly Estimates Committee members, led by MLA S. Gandhirajan, visited various ongoing development works and conducted a review meeting at the Collectorate on Wednesday.
Since the Department of Highways (Construction and Maintenance) is building an additional bridge across the Tamirabharani River on an outlay of ₹6 crore on the North Bypass Road, the Committee members inspected the bridge and asked officials about the completion of the project.
After visiting Sri Nellaiyappar Temple, they visited the Agriculture Regulatory Market at Ramaiyanpatti where organic agro inputs had been displayed. They also interacted with the farmers there and disbursed welfare measures to the agriculturists.
In Palayamkottai Central Prison, the Committee members interacted with the prison authorities to understand the facilities available in the jail were sufficient for the inmates – both convicts and the under-trials.
District Collector K.P. Karthikeyan, District Revenue Officer M. Suganya and Palayamkottai MLA M. Abdul Wahab accompanied the Committee during the inspections and participated in the review meeting held at the collectorate in the evening.
Published - September 04, 2024 09:20 pm IST