Two persons were arrested with 2.910 kgs of ganja and ₹17,010 was recovered from them in a joint operation conducted by the Ambalamedu police and a Special Operations Group. The arrested were identified as Rudra Prasad, 21, and Sukruth Kumar, 23, both residents of Odisha. They were nabbed from near a bar at Karimugal as part of the drugs-free Kochi drive of the city police. Aishwarya Dongre, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Kochi City.
The police said that the accused were in the business of smuggling in large quantities of ganja from Odisha and selling them here in small lots, especially to youngsters and migrant workers. They sold ganja in sachets charged at ₹500 and ₹1,000.
The police are probing whether more persons are involved
Published - December 16, 2021 12:15 am IST